

Asset Protection

As the economy and financial markets continue to evolve, asset protection has become a crucial component of safeguarding the growth of your business and personal wealth. Asset protection is the practice of safeguarding one’s wealth from potential risks, such as family disputes, lawsuits, bankruptcy, or creditor claims


One of the most basic forms of asset protection is insurance. This can include homeowner’s insurance, auto insurance, liability insurance, and more. Insurance policies can help protect you from financial loss due to accidents, theft, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events. It’s essential to review your insurance policies regularly to ensure you have adequate coverage for your assets.

Asset Protection Trusts

A trust is a legal entity that can hold assets on behalf of beneficiaries. By transferring assets into an asset protection trust, the trust becomes the legal owner of the assets, which can provide protection from creditors or legal claims. Trusts can be set up for a variety of purposes, such as to provide for children or other family members, to support charitable causes, or to protect assets from potential risks.


Superannuation is a retirement savings system in Australia that provides tax benefits for individuals. It can also be an effective asset protection strategy. Superannuation funds are typically protected from bankruptcy and creditor claims, which means that your retirement savings can be shielded from potential risks.

Business Structures

For business owners, choosing the right business structure can be critical for asset protection. Sole traders and partnerships offer no protection for personal assets in the event of a legal claim or bankruptcy. In contrast, companies and trusts can provide a level of protection for personal assets, depending on the specific structure and circumstances.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is the process of managing your assets during your lifetime and after your death. A well-structured estate plan can help protect your assets and ensure they are distributed according to your wishes. This can include the use of trusts, wills, and other legal documents to establish clear instructions for the management and distribution of your assets.

What to do Now

Asset protection is a critical component of planning and protecting  your financial affairs and assets. By using a combination of insurance, trusts, superannuation, business structures, and estate planning, individuals and businesses can help safeguard their assets from potential risks.

It’s essential to work with a professional to determine the best strategies for your specific needs and circumstances, especially when you are in business as this adds additional layers of complexity.

In conjunction with the specialist legal firm Abbott Mourly, as an accredited specialist in Asset Protection, Estate Planning and Succession Planning, and Foundation Member of SAPEPAA I am that professional so call me now on 02 42284877 for a no obligation 15 minute chat to find out how we can solve your problems with innovative and proven strategies.


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