
News Grant finder

As an entrepreneur, you know that funding can be a critical component in starting, growing, and sustaining a successful business. But with so many grants, loans, and other funding options available, it can be challenging to know where to start your search. Fortunately, the Australian Government has created a helpful resource that can simplify the process:’s grants finder.

What is’s grants finder? is a comprehensive online resource that provides information and guidance for Australian businesses. One of its most useful tools is the grants finder, which allows entrepreneurs to search for available grants based on their business type, location, and industry.

The grants finder covers a wide range of funding options, from small business grants to research and development grants. It even includes grants specifically designed for businesses owned by women, Indigenous Australians, and young people.

How to use the grants finder

Using’s grants finder is simple. Start by visiting the grants finder page on the website. From there, you’ll see a search bar where you can enter your business type, location, and industry. You can also filter your search by the amount of funding available, the application deadline, and other factors.

Once you’ve entered your search criteria, the grants finder will return a list of available grants that match your business’s needs. You can click on each grant to learn more about its eligibility requirements, funding amount, and application process.

Tips for using the grants finder effectively

To get the most out of’s grants finder, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Be specific with your search criteria. The more specific you are about your business type, location, and industry, the more relevant your search results will be.
  2. Pay attention to eligibility requirements. Before applying for any grant, make sure you meet all of the eligibility criteria. If you don’t, your application will likely be rejected.
  3. Start early. Many grants have application deadlines months in advance, so it’s important to start your search early to give yourself plenty of time to prepare your application.
  4. Follow the application guidelines carefully. Each grant will have its own application guidelines and requirements, so make sure you read and follow them carefully.

In conclusion, if you’re an Australian entrepreneur in search of funding for your business,’s grants finder is an excellent resource to use. With its comprehensive database of available grants and easy-to-use search tools, it can help you find the funding you need to achieve your business goals.

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