

One phone call to your bank could save you $$$$Thousands over the coming 12 months and beyond

One phone call to your bank could save you $$$$Thousands over the coming 12 months and beyond
Have you noticed how low the interest rates are now?!
Have you thought about ringing your bank and just letting them know that you were considering changing banks to find a lower interest rate?
Inform them that Macquarie Bank is offering a fixed rate of 2.19% for a period of 1 – 5 years and then ask if they can match it or do better?
Guaranteed they will drop the interest rate they are currently charging you.
Imagine, you did make that phone call, within those 5 – 10 mins you have saved yourself $$$$thousands .
You need to realise that your bank will not offer you a lower interest rate unless YOU ASK!
Need help to get yourself in a better financial position by taking small actions with huge results, give your team at Journey2 Business & Personal Wealth a call today!

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